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Umme Salma, BSc


Research Fellow & MS Student









Ms. Umme Salma holds her B.Sc. from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. From the very beginning of her undergrad level, she has a burning desire to learn more and venture ahead in the research field. In the line of anticipation, she was anticipating to enter into the mystery of biological science. To stretch her passion and also to learn state-of-the-art techniques, she joined the Laboratory of Eukaryotic Gene Expression and Function (EuGEF), BMB-CU, in May 2018. From then she had involved with many projects related to Cancer Biology. Currently, under the supervision of Dr. Srikanta Chowdhury, she is pursuing her Master's thesis on developing a treatment strategy for Breast Cancer patients by targeting the Sonic Hedgehog signaling pathway. She is one of the recipients of the National Science & Technology (NST) fellowship, Year 2019-2020.


During the COVID-19 outbreak in Bangladesh, she had joined for three months in the IEDCR field laboratory of Cox's Bazar Medical College (Supported by the World Health Organization, WHO) to serve the nation.


In her leisure time, she enjoys playing outdoor games, traveling to new places & love to cook for family.

Research Gate
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