Ridwan Ahmed, BSc
Research Fellow & MS Student
Mr. Ridwan Ahmed has completed his four years undergraduate courses major in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology from University of Chittagong, Bangladesh and during these running courses; he had found his enthusiasm in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and developed a passion and deep interest in research works of this field. For pursuing strong supervision and extensive research experience, he started his research carrier in May 2018 at the Laboratory of Eukaryotic Gene Expression and Function (EuGEF), BMB, CU. Under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Mosaraf Hossain, he is currently doing Master’s thesis which is focus on studying the effect of common chemotherapeutic agents of Breast cancer patients on Sonic Hedgehog signaling pathway; which is one of the embryogenic pathway that linked with breast cancer disease progression. He was awarded National Science & Technology (NST) fellowship for his current Master Thesis.
In his leisure time, he enjoys watching scientific and historical documentaries, traveling and playing chess. He is also an active member of Chittagong Chess Player Association (CCPA) and founder member of Chittagong University Chess Club.