Sumaiya Kawsar Sabiha, BSc
Research Fellow & MS Student
Sumaiya Kawsar Sabiha accomplished her B.Sc degree from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh, and started her research journey in april 2019 at the laboratory of Eukaryotic Gene Expression and Function (EuGEF), BMB, CU as she perceived deep interest specially in cancer research. Since then she is actively involved in different lab activities and doing thesis under the supervision of Dr.Srikanta Chowdhury. Her master’s level thesis mainly focuses on the “Cycle -wise alterations of the Smothened homolog, Smo gene expression in breast cancer patients treated with both doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide". Hopefully, this project evaluate a new treatment option for BC patients specillay in case of chemotheraputic resistance.
She is currently involved in a screening project named “Epidemiological & demographical scenario of COVID-19 outbreak In Chittagong,” and also involved in another two projects entitled as “Investigation of the biochemical parameters of COVID-19 patients” and “Investigation of cytokine profile of the COVID-19 patients in Bangladesh.”
In her free time, she is interested in reading novels, watching movies and listening to music. She enjoys her spare-time with family.