Bishu Sarkar, BSc
Research Fellow & MS Student
He has completed his B.Sc degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. During his undergrad study he got interested in research and higher study which later inspired him to join in the Eukaryotic Gene Expression and Function (EuGEF) Research Group. From june 2019, he is actively involved in clinical and basic research in the field of cancer biology and doing thesis under the supervision of Dr. Srikanta Chowdhury. His master’s level research mainly focuses on the “Alteration of PTCH1 (patched) expression in doxorubicine and cyclophosphamide treated breast cancer patients.”
He is currently working as a volunteer in Bangladesh Institute of Tropical and Infectious Diseases (BITID) and conducting a screening project named “Epidemiological & demographical scenario of COVID-19 outbreak In Chittagong,” He is also involved in two other projects entitling “Investigation of the biochemical parameters of COVID-19 patients” and “Investigation of cytokine profile of the COVID-19 patients in Bangladesh.” Besides he is contributing to the manuscript writing of a project named “Development of COVID-19 diagnostic kit: A novel point-of-care SARS-CoV-2 antigen detection method”.
In addition to clinical research, he is devoted to programing languages, graphic designing and music.